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📢 有神快拜 Entertainment

如何下載Youtube影片 使用線上工具 點我看資料豐富的教學 使用本機軟體 yt-dlp 如何使用yt-dlp Step 1. 取得Python和pip 點我看資料豐富的教學 Step 2. 安裝yt-dlp # -U means install the LATEST version. # Old version yt-dlp may NOT work. pip install -U yt-dlp Step3. 使用yt-dlp # Download video. yt-dlp ...


📢 有神快拜 Entertainment

Youtube 前額腦損傷 片段

安裝Python 3.10

📢 有神快拜 Docker & Jupyter & PyTorch

簡介 在舊版Ubuntu安裝Python 3.10以及對應的pip版本。 安裝Python 藉由apt安裝,安裝後須注意python執行時的執行檔版本。 sudo apt update sudo apt install -y software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa sudo apt install -y python3.10 python3.10-distutils which python3.10 安裝pip ...


📢 有神快拜 Docker & Jupyter & PyTorch

pip install ipykernel ipython kernel install --name DISPLAY_NAME --user

Jupyter lab install LSP

📢 有神快拜 Docker & Jupyter & PyTorch

pip install jupyterlab-lsp pip install python-language-server[python]


📢 有神快拜 Docker & Jupyter & PyTorch

簡介 引入pytorch時出現tqdm錯誤,則須另外安裝套件ipywidgets。 # tqdm error is issued # by running the following code in python. # > import torch # Fix by install ipywidgets. pip install ipywidgets


📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

Ethernet (Dynamic IP) network: version: 2 ethernets: eth0: dhcp4: true optional: true Ethernet (Static IP) network: version: 2 ethernets: eth0: dhcp4: no addresses: [

iptables as firewall

📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

Setup iptables as a firewall. Drop packages from INPUT chain by default. However, we have to allow response packages and requests to local DNS cache. iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -I INPUT 1 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -I ...

Never use snap firefox

📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

#!/bin/bash if [[ $(id -u) == 0 ]] then snap remove firefox add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa cat > /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozilla-firefox << EOF Package: * Pin: release o=LP-PPA-mozillateam Pin-Priority: 1001 Package: firefox* Pin: release ...

Disable Ubuntu Server sleep

📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

systemctl mask

The public key is not available

📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

Error occurred. The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 498C45EBE94E7B37 Solution Add the key from Ubuntu key server. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 498C45EBE94E7B37...

speech-dispatcher makes all audio crackle

📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

Symptom speech-dispatcher package causes audio from speaker crackle (noise and delay) since Ubuntu 18.04 . Test To verify the symptom, run the following script and your speaker must be crackle! spd-say Hello! Solution Run the following script to solve the pro...

Resolve: NVIDIA Ghost Monitor

📢 有神快拜 Ubuntu

Resolve: NVIDIA Ghost Monitor

This PC Can’t Run Windows 11 on VirtualBox? Here Are 3 Fixes!

📢 有神快拜 Windows 11

This PC Can’t Run Windows 11 on VirtualBox? Here Are 3 Fixes!

How to Install Windows 11 Without a Microsoft Account

📢 有神快拜 Windows 11

How to Follow the installation wizard and stay in this step. Press Shift + F10 to open Terminal. OOBE\BYPASSNRO After reboot, disconnect the Internet by release IP. ipconfig /release Now, you can skip the login to Microsoft account. Reference ...


📢 有神快拜 Virtualization

Create NAT Network vboxmanage natnetwork add --netname NAT_NAME --network --dhcp on --enable Create VM vboxmanage createvm --name 'VM_NAME' --ostype Ubuntu_64 --register vboxmanage modifyvm $VM_UUID --firmware efi --memory 4096 --vram 256 --cp...


📢 有神快拜 Networking

想探索新的東西,所以趁過年買了一個二手的FortiGate。 看來有不少坑要踩啊! 我只用了幾個小時就讓自己被拒於管理頁面之外。 唯一能進管理系統的方法只有Console,其他能進去的方法都不小心被我移除權限了。 我連Reset都不能做,因為沒有實體的Reset按鈕啊!!!! 害我隔天跑了三間實體門市,才終於花400+買到一條RJ45轉USB Type-A的轉接頭。 (P.S. 好多服務人員分不清楚USB網卡跟Console線的分別 😭) 終於得以連進去Console中Reset設備了! Switch 交換器分成三...


📢 有神快拜 Networking

Requirements Ubuntu 24.04 PHP 8 sudo apt install -y php8.3 php8.3-mysql Laravel 10 composer sudo apt install -y composer mariadb sudo apt install -y mariadb-server Basics Overview Laravel is a PHP framework. It uses MVC architecture. Model Mo...

Why do we still have such small email attachment file size restrictions?

📢 有神快拜 E-mail

Why do we still have such small email attachment file size restrictions?