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This page show the links to the public services which are available to everyone.
However, some resources are hidden to unauthorized people due to some special reasons.


My github

I push some projects on github. Almost all projects are public and distributed without copyright (or with special authorization). Check out file in the projects. Finally, my codes are not perfect at all. Any recommendation for improving my programs is welcomed.
Explore haward79's github



Loudage is a cloud storage system based on owncloud. There are many resources on the Loudage. However, only authorized users are able to access protected content. To grant the permission, sending a request to admin's email may help.
Explore Loudage for guests


haward79's BookStack

BookStack is an online documentation product. haward79 has been used BookStack for a long time to share documents with others. Click the link to explore what he share.
Explore haward79's BookStack


haward79's Notion

Notion is an online documentation product which supports collaboration. haward79 has been used notion for a long time to share documents with others. Click the link to explore what he share.
Explore haward79's Notion